Tired of using the same old pie charts, bar charts, and line charts in Excel to communicate your evaluation results? Don’t have expensive data visualization software like Tableau? Can’t afford to hire a graphic designer to transform your default Excel charts into polished masterpieces? Then this webinar is for you!
First, I’ll share five big-picture strategies for fooling Excel into making nearly any chart your want, such as inserting invisible white bars and lines to create the illusion of empty space. Next, I’ll spend the majority of our time together giving you a step-by-step live demo of 20+ chart designs. We’ll explore small multiples bar charts, panel line graphs, dot plots, heat tables, spark lines, and more.
Intermediate data visualization knowledge; Beginner/intermediate Excel graphing skills
Target Audience
Analysts, evaluators, researchers, and other data specialists who create graphs, tables, and diagrams. Attendees should already have a general awareness of data visualization concepts plus a desire to get more out of Excel.
Purchase the Recording and Accompanying Materials
This webinar has finished, but you can still purchase the recording and accompanying materials. Contact me.